If you're wanting Intuitive Scans, Personal care, Deeper support + Individual attention for your Spiritual Ascension, Intuitive insights + Body wellness to relieve mental, emotional blockages to your greater path and purpose and body issues that plague you, then...Feel into this offering below.

Christel Hughes, Amanda Hopkins and the Academy Master Teachers + Team created Numerous Live Opportunities to Connect in our Zoom Lounge to deeply support you getting your Higher Self guidance and specific answers. You’ll make significant changes that will move you forward with vitality, radiance and living on purpose -- fulfilled.

Here’s the’s a One time Offer Today only…!

Join this brilliant team of experts when you

‘Claim your VIP Status’

on Zoom to connect and be supported in many ways


(Vital Illuminated Person)

Intuitive Readings, Scans,
Deep Healing Processes & more!
(Value $383) for ONLY $44

I invite you to get these (tailored for you) experiential sessions to get your questions answered, be held in a sacred container with high vibe energy to support your future Light Body upgrades!

$44 VIP Lounge Experience!

This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$44 - very limited time offer


(Vital Illuminated Person)

Live Opportunities to Connect on Zoom +
Replays to revisit any time you want!


1. Intimate Connections

Join in on Zoom where we can see you and feel your Heart even more. As we come together on multiple occasions we'll get to know each other in a deeper way and you'll be able to relax + trust more fully the guidance you're receiving in alignment with your Higher Self Vision.

2. Personalized Interactions

Get Intuitive Readings and Personal Scans to help you gain insight into what your next steps are on your healing journey. These are designed to get you to go deep into the core of the issue and direct you in your next steps so that you can have the greatest transformation possible!

3. Fast Track your Healing

The consistency of gathering in this way keeps you deliberately shifting your energy with your powerful Soul Intentions. You'll escalate your cellular awakening in the loving and Sacred container that you're held in as soon as you sign up!

4. Exclusive Invites & Opportunities

Special offerings and invitations are delivered in the VIP (Vital Illuminated Person) Lounge that are divinely inspired for you as part of this special group. When you join us in the VIP lounge you'll gain access to these exclusive options.

5. Illuminating and Powerful Processes that will have you glowing!

Healing sounds, Guided journeys, Fascinating Insights and perspectives that rain in light... all of these and more are offered in our VIP Lounge. We've witnessed the shifts in the glow and light emanating from participants faces, eyes, skin... so incredible to experience these together in this empowered + Sacred container!

$44 VIP Lounge Experience!

PLUS, BONUS: Own the Academy for the Soul


as part of your personal treasure trove.

When you own the Collection, you’ll have instant access to that spectacular process, that illuminated Activation…that piece of life-altering information that you heard and wished you had.

You'll have access to transformational support and expansive conversations about:

  • Karma Unlocked: Clear Pathways for Your Soul’s Ultimate Success
  • The Transformational Healing Power of Guardian Angels
  • Creating a Path for Soul Work: How to breakthrough the noise with nervous system training
  • Align Your Soul & Shine with Akashic Guidance
  • Past Lives Through the Chakras ~ Upgrade Your Chakras for Love, Purpose and Well-being
  • ... and much more!


The VIP Lounge is only available for select dates (June 24th - July 12th)


So you'll want to get in right away to take part in this exclusive experience!

Get Your VIP Lounge Experience +  'Sacred Soul Resurgence' Audio Collection NOW for ONLY


Join us in the VIP Lounge!

Good News! There are different times of day for the Lounges…so no matter what time zone you’re in, you’ll have your choice to attend.

Important! Get access to Pre-Qualified and Verified High level healers, medical intuitives, human design experts, multi-sensory intuitives and more. You can trust these experts with guiding you in a Truthful way. You’ll be held in a strong, sacred and safe container…With Love