Soul Discovery Series




Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
at 11:00 a.m. Pacific

Appearing at
11 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. ET /
7 p.m. LONDON / 4 a.m. SYDNEY


After the Event is over, you can listen to the replay here


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Featured Guest:

Launch Call - Amanda Hopkins

Sacred Soul Resurgence - Release the Claoks to your Soul Magnificence

Join us TODAY as we kick-off this spectacular journey of remembering your Supreme Soul Intelligence as a vibrational tone in every single cell of your body on the Soul Discovery Series! This Sacred experience we're embarking on togther will allow you to drop false perspectives, paradigms + resulting struggle, disappointment and dis-ease that hides your Divine Mastery.

As we gather for this Sacred Launch, we'll be priming the space and setting the foundation for your cellular Soul Illumination - realizations so profound that it's impossible to deny your sacredness. This allows your Soul Light to blossom and grow within you!

On the call there will be:

  • ~ Sacred discussion that initiates a vibrational quickening of your cells so they instantly begin shedding non-resonant energies to your Highest, Supreme Soul Light.
  • ~ LIVE INTUITIVE READINGS to uncover the primary cloak you currently have running that hiding your Soul Gifts & Supreme Intelligence which when dissolved will elevate your body consciousness in this incarnation.
  • ~ GIFT GIVEAWAY - hop on the call live for your chance to win a 1-on-1 20min Intuitive Reading Session with Amanda!
  • ~ Sacred Soul Resurgence Divine Journey - be lovingly guided into the vibrational experience of your esteemed Soul Majesty. This will prime your body & Aura to embrace and embody this pure expression of you.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to dial in or ask your question online for the Live Intuitive Readings!

You can enter your question now - the question to ask is: 'What's my primary Soul Light cloak?'

Listen Live!:

To ask your question online, enter your question in the Question Box below.

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(206) 402-0100
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