~ Live Group Call with Amanda Hopkins, featuring Christel Hughes

Your core is the central stability point in your body - all movement stems from your core. It's a potent center of light and a direct line to the Divine for your body. When your core is stable, your illuminated Power can sustain you far beyond what you've imagined possible.

You'll be amazed by how much you're able to get done with ease, recognizing that your Soul Mission work rejuvenates you!

This Divine rejuvenation occurs when your core is fully illuminated, intuitively guiding you into action in sync with your Soul Resonance. It's time to remove the interferences to this illuminated, rejuvenating power within you.


~ Live Group Call

Here's what you'll be doing:

~ CORE MUSCULATURE & DIGESTION REHABILITATION: RUnravel the rubberband like binds and ease the associated tension in the musculature & connective tissues that prohibits essential Core Light Flow through this Sacred body portal. This enables you to effectively process Sacred Light Frequencies - assimilating what most serves you and eliminating that which no longer matches your Soul needs.

~ INTRA-ABDOMINAL PRESSURE RELIEF: Reset your perspective on what pressure means - adjust your body consciousness to recognize pressure as a Creative catalyst to give birth to new ideas and innovations so you can embrace and capitalize on the pressure (rather than fear it).

~ MYOFASCIAL CLEANSING & REANIMATION: Traverse your specific Soul Light frequencies through your muscles, fascia and connective tissues to dissolve old, clogged consciousness inhibiting energy flow - especially through fascial lines... particularly the deep front line, which runs from the feet up through the inner legs, pelvic floor, and diaphragm, ending at the base of the skull.

You'll animate new consciousness through fascial connections in this process.

~ COSMIC MOTHER SEPARATION ANXIETY DISSOLUTION: Dissolve separation consciousness in the navel due to umbilical cord disconnection from physical mother. Restore Sacred connection with Cosmic Mother as an ever present, nourishing light source that simultaneously fuels your body and Soul.

~ CORE STAR ACTIVATION: Initiate Celestial Light Flow through your central energy point related to your core/navel. Your Core Star, when awakened, animates the central essence and Divine Spark of you in your body as a vibrational knowing.

When your Core Star is fully illuminated and active within you, it provides you with and endless Source of Sunlight and Source light energy that will carry you through your physical journey with a fiery drive. This quickens your cellular vibe - enabling you to adjust to change and process energies much more quickly.


Or you can get in on the entire:

Crystalline Light Body Series

to reconstruct your feet, legs, pelvis and core as a stable, interconnected portal of Soul Light frequencies.

When potent Cosmic Light Frequencies are awakened in a body that's out of alignment with it's pure innate design, it can intensify body issues. As the Sacred Light shines within the cells - false paradigms, intrusive constructs and other distortions from your High Truth become clear. Your body can NOT sustain these old compensations and be a beacon of your Cosmic Crystalline Light so there can be a breaking down and crumbling that feels intense, even painful.

As we deliberately and systematically move through your lower body, dis-integrating the false paradigms that have been built in over previous incarnations, family + societal conditioning and your own past experiences, your foundation moves from wobbly and unstable to strong and potently attuned with your Sacred Soul Essence.


3 Deep Dive Workshops with Amanda Hopkins, featuring Christel Hughes

Downloadable so you can listen as many times as you like to re-enforce :-)

Value $891

TOTAL $188

Save on individual workshops when you get the bundle

Your body is innately designed to receive and flow Masterful, Illuminated Divine Light Frequencies in Sacred Collaboration with the Planet

Let's get your cellular consciousness reorganized and calibrated to your unique, dynamic Soul Essences so that you can thrive ~ taking full advantage of the catalyzing Universal Light Energies driving your Body Evolution and Soul Ascension Journey.

We'll be doing so by strengthening and energizing 3 Key Body areas that are interconnected and directly determine your capacity to receive, sustain and transmit your empowered, Supreme Soul Light: Your Feet, Pelvis and Core!

Total Value of Workshop is $297

Right now, this
is available for only


Also available in 2 payments of $44



Entire Crystalline Light Body Workshop Series
for only


Also available in 2 payments of 944
or even 3 payments of $62.67

I'm here to support you in your relationship with your body as your partner in your Soul's Evolutionary journey. As we cleanse the body of toxic debris from old, outdated paradigms and activate the Sacred Light points that illuminate your Soul's Essence within, your body can thrive! I'm thrilled to have you join me in this journey.

With Love,




About Amanda:

Amanda Hopkins is an Intuitive Energy Efficiency Expert, Academy Master Teacher with Academy for the Soul and a Certified Intuitive Strategist. With a blend of elegance and precision, Amanda guides people through the most efficient and effective transformational shifts that will ripple out into all areas of life, to support them in manifesting their desires, living their dreams and operating from their Truth.

Her purpose is to aid people in aligning their ideal Spiritual energetic state with their practical, Physical Reality. Amanda is sought after for her ability to rapidly identify energy deficiencies in the body and energy field. She's known by most for her intuitive ability to quickly zoom into the core of an issue and deliver the precise, most effective steps to make an instant shift.

Amanda has a magical ability to learn and master the newest technologies and explain them in a succinct, clear, and easily understandable manner. At an early age she became an experienced trainer and teacher in medical technology amongst highly educated medical professionals as their 'go to' expert in the field. This experience led her to a deep understanding of the physical body and medical system and onto her journey in understanding the deeper levels of our energetic makeup. She's served as a leader in various Personal and Professional development organizations supporting training people in modalities including neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy.

She provides a unique combination of cutting edge tools and techniques that empower people to take charge of their lives and energy. Her work is designed to create greater ease, expand possibilities, and increase the capacity for achievement in all life areas!