Dimensional Heart Harmonics

Activating Your Holographic Heart

~ Attune to New Dimensional Frequencies  

~ Break Free from Outdated Paradigms  

~ Elevate Your Potential & Unlock New Possibilities  

by Kari Kiazyk



Are you tired of doing all the right things & not seeing results?

Seeking relief from old patterns & limitations that no longer serve your growth & well-being?

Various challenges manifest in your life when you're not attuned to the new dimensional frequencies. These energies act as a mirror, reflecting areas where you're out of sync with your true self & higher purpose.

When you emit a frequency that isn't resonating at its original healing harmonic resonance, it reverberates into all areas of your life, creating chaos, delay, obstacles, friction ~ preventing you from bringing into your reality that which you truly desire.

These New Dimensional Frequencies hold the potential to unlock new possibilities & elevate your consciousness, but only when you're harmonically aligned with them.

Within the Holographic Heart lies the encoded wisdom of your truest self, awaiting activation through sacred attunement & resonance with these expansive frequencies.

Embodying the vibration of the Holographic Heart empowers you to transcend feelings of victimization & disempowerment, unlocking a state of being that is so much more than self-worth - it's a journey towards profound self-realization & divine alignment.

Are you ready to activate your Holographic Heart, becoming a magnet that effortlessly draws in all that uplifts, inspires, and aligns with your highest path & purpose?


Option 1:

Item #1


Dimensional Heart Empowerment Session

60 minute 1-on-1 Session (Value: $360)


In this personalized, private session, Kari will work with her team, the Guardians of the Dimensions, to assist in aligning & attuning you to the new dimensional frequencies. This will empower you to embody your highest potential, break through limitations, and step into a life filled with love, purpose, and spiritual clarity. Together with the Guardians of the Dimensions, your heart will open to receive divine wisdom, and experience a profound recalibration of your heart's energy field, prior to the Holographic Heart Activation.

Awaken the dormant potential within you as you align with the higher frequencies of your Holographic Heart. Experience a renewed sense of purpose, vitality, and creativity that empowers you to manifest your dreams and aspirations, becoming that magnet, naturally drawing blessings into your life.

  • Heart-Centered Transformation: Deepen your connection with your Dimensional Heart & unlock its full potential.
  • Alignment with Higher Frequencies: Attune to the higher vibrational energies of new dimensions, promoting profound healing & awareness.
  • Connection & Guidance from the Guardians of the Dimensions: Receive wisdom, guidance, and protection from these benevolent beings, ensuring a safe & supportive journey.
  • Channelled Sound Healing: Experience the transformative power of sound harmonics to enhance your heart's resonance & overall well-being.
  • Personal and Spiritual Growth: Release blockages, harmonize your energies, and elevate your spiritual practice.

    Holographic Heart Activation

    Receive a Holographic Heart Activation with the Guardians of the Dimensions, where you'll Unlock the Power of Your Heart and Elevate Your Spiritual Journey. The Guardians of the Dimensions assist in aligning your heart with higher dimensions & enhance your connection to these transformative energies.


    Everything in Option 2 is also included in Option 1


    Option 2:


    Beyond Limits: Dimensional Heart Awakening Workshop

    ~ Unlock Your Inner Strength and Embrace Transformation

    (Value: $450)


    If you often feel trapped in roles & patterns that no longer serve you or are yearning for growth & expansion, but find yourself held back by invisible forces and old habits, then it's time to reclaim your power & transform your life.

    Learn how to align your Sacred Heart with higher vibrational energies from other dimensions.

    This workshop is designed to guide you through a profound exploration of your sacred heart's potential and its role in unlocking new dimensions of personal and spiritual growth.

    Release limiting beliefs & emotional blocks that have held you back, paving the way for a renewed sense of freedom & authenticity in your life. Experience profound shifts in consciousness as you journey beyond conventional boundaries & Explore higher realms of awareness & spiritual connection, gaining insights that illuminate your path forward. This workshop is not just about learning; it's about embodying your fullest potential & reclaiming your personal power.

    Experience the Chakra Illumination and Ascension Activation where we'll delve deeply into each chakra, cleansing, balancing, and illuminating these vital energy centers. You'll experience a profound release of blockages & a restoration of energetic harmony, setting the stage, laying that foundation to move deeper into the space of your heart.

    ~ #1 Heart Harmonic Disruptor Intuitive Reading

    Kari will activate her inner knowing as a Heart Awakening Master and read the #1 disruptor stopping you from reclaiming your power that is coming up to be transformed for you to take into the Workshop to be cleared.

    Option 1


    ~ Dimensional Heart Empowerment Session
    ~ Beyond Limits: Dimensional Heart Awakening Workshop
    ~ BONUS: Dimensional Heart Activation Sound Bath

    Total Value




    Option 2


    ~ Beyond Limits: Dimensional Heart Awakening Workshop
    ~ BONUS: Dimensional Heart Activation Sound Bath

    Total Value






    Dimensional Heart Activation Sound Bath

    ~ Guided Journey to Awaken Your Inner Power


    Unlock the transformative power of your heart with this exclusive MP3 bonus.

    This guided meditation is crafted to help you connect deeply with your sacred heart.

    Dive into a transformative experience that harmonizes your energy, restores balance, and empowers you to embrace life with renewed clarity & purpose aligning you with higher frequencies of love and wisdom, and awakening your inner potential.

    Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or empowerment, this guided meditation will support you in accessing deep states of relaxation & transformational growth.

    This meditation is your key to unlocking profound insights & aligning with your highest self.

    Embark on this journey to reclaim your personal power & illuminate your path forward with clarity and purpose.



    " I think all of you can hear in Kari's voice and how she carries that tone of the heart, that she is so dynamic in her precious nature, that she can really access those places within with such gentle hands and to allow for the vibrations of the music that she creates with the crystal bowls to enter so deeply into the places, way into the deep layers of the tissues where you have been in a chronic state of denial, denying yourself... When you were talking about the Guardians, my whole being lit up and I was transported and I could feel the vibration where you are going to be able to really take people to that next level. I'm just so very grateful Kari that we have you here. I don't know if everyone knows, but Kari is an Academy Master Teacher, she is someone who is on our team, I absolutely trust her and I would recommend doing this deeper work with her and she's also someone that I've entrusted with training how to work with Metatron's Cube. So, I know the power she has, don't let her gentle nature fool you. She really can get in there and go deep. "

    Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts

    " My Special Heart Awakening Session with Kari was simply magnificent! My Heart and my Whole Being are in such gratitude for the gift of healing and liberation that Kari has masterfully offered... Starting with her 'busting' a deeply unconscious thread of emotion that has been burdening me for years, and which I hadn't so far been able to even identify, let alone to reach to... Kari knew to spot it right away and cleared it all, in its full intensity ~ Such a relief! The Whole Heart Attunement then led to a Total Reclaiming of my Heart and my whole Being feels expanded, filled with Hope and Joy! The whole experience was incredibly profound and magical, totally unique and so very special! Thank you Kari, literally with ALL MY HEART! "

    Sophie Bidard, Master Lightweaver and Emotions Master

    " Kari holds a beautiful, loving space for transformation. She is a natural healer and when she works on me at distance, I can feel the energy move in my body and I know that change is taking place. I have been able to resolve several emotional issues with Kari and happily recommend her.

    PS- ask her about crystal bowl healing - she is truly Masterful! "

    - Janette

    " This is so beautiful! I've never experienced sound healing before. It's very peaceful, calming & expansive. I had a knot in my shoulder/left side and it's been released while listening to another Thank you so much, Kari "

    - S

    Testimonials for your bowls:

    " That was absolutely beautiful. I felt swirling all around my throat. Thank you

    Thank you very much, still vibrating "

    Yves M.

    " That was so beautiful! First time I've ever experienced anything like this. I could feel all of the tones and then tingles in my head when she played for me. Thank you so much! "

    Stacey F.

    " Wow! This was so beautiful, and so powerful! Feeling much lighter and delicious calmness.. Oh how grateful I am. Thank you "


    " From the first time I ever heard crystal bowls with Kari, it's like my cells came alive - all these different sensations ~ tingling and heat and warmth and flow. It's a whole new physical sensation that you might be feeling for the first time ever. Thanks for bringing my body to life!"



    Kari Kiazyk

    Kari Kiazyk, is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect with your heart's voice, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving the discordant energies so that you can awaken to your own magnificence.

    She harnesses the energies and cosmic dance of the Aurora Borealis to aid you in fully reclaiming your heart's natural state of health and wholeness, so it's available to receive and transmit higher vibrations of love, light and joy... bringing your heart, your inner Sun, into its own luminous, rhythmic dance.

    As a Reiki Master and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul, Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good.

    Kari is passionate about utilizing energy to alchemize transformation towards brilliant, open-hearted living and radiating your Light of Truth.