Sizzling Summer Activations

As summer comes to a close, we're tapping into the potent energies now available for deeper, more subtle energetic attunements. These will elevate your cellular consciousness, reflecting your Soul Mastery and Cosmic Genius.

To harness the powerful Cosmic and Planetary energies present, we're offering these exclusive activations - previously available only through select workshops - for a limited time.

These activations will elevate your cellular consciousness through the powerful influence of Metatron's Cube and Sacred Symbols, reflecting your Soul Mastery and Cosmic Genius.

Scroll on down now to explore what's available for you! ....And check out the Amazing prices!!

Vision Reharmonization for Body Elevation
Remote Activation by Amanda Hopkins

Uplevel Your Visual & Brain Perception for Increased Multi-Sensory Integration
Individual Remote Reset & Upgrade (Value $222)

For You... $44

Reset your Visual Perception (in both eyes) and Cranial Relationship with your Body for instantaneous whole body cellular responsivity to Cranial Upgrades.

This activation will allow the heightened multi-dimensional Cranial frequencies to inform your mind so it's operating as your Higher Mind - tuned into the Sacred Guidance of your Soul and Divine awareness of potentiality for you.

This re-establishes your brain-body communications network so that it's operating in Divine frequencies of Light that fuel your unique Soul Mission. Your body's sensory response will be naturally aligned with your Divine Vision so your instincts more easily direct you into action that serves the Grand Vision your Soul holds for you!

Areas of focus for this remote activation include:

  • RIGHT & LEFT EYES - Cleansing + Divine Upgrade
  • CEREBELLUM - Reset + Reanimation
  • BRAIN STEM - Purification + Reawakening

The specific upgrades included in this activation provide brain & vision enhancements to increase your body awareness & reorientation to cranial upgrades so your body's in coherence with your Multi-Dimensional Cranial Vibe.

'Ethereal Elixir' Aura Recalibration
Remote Light Activation by Christel Hughes

Receive channeled ethereal celestial light elixirs into your aura & light body for recalibration with Metatron's cube (Value $277)

Only $44

This Auric Recalibration & Holographic Body Activation is done in the 7th Dimensional realm as a remote experience at a specific time. Your Higher Self will meet Christel there and they will do the recalibration & activation together. Think of it like a meeting on the Cosmic 7D 'holodeck'. Christel has the intuitive capacity to work Holographically, as a multi-sensory intuitive, with your energy.

You'll Re-Calibrate your Aura & specifically the 7 energy bodies & Light body so that they're now in 'Vibrational Rapport' with your Crystalline chakras.

This enables you to open to your Highest Soul's Dimensional expression by building out your Holographic body at the 7th Dimensional realm.

Included in this Celestial Light remote activation:

  • 'Ethereal Elixir' Aura Recalibration - Nourish Subtle Bodies with Crystal Spirit Essences
  • Council of Crystal Spirits - Your Individual Crystal Spirits Council called to build bridge between chakras & Light Body
  • Dimensional Upgrades - access realms of your Oracle Guides, Holograms of the Future possibilities and Holographic Templates of your Divine purpose.

Heart & Kidneys Purification
Remote Activation by Amanda Hopkins

Cleanse + Uplevel Your Sacred Heart-Kidney Network
Individual Remote Purification & Upgrade (Value $222)

Special... $44

Dissolve interferences in the Heart, Blood and Kidneys to the Divine Light Frequencies of the Higher Dimensional Realms ready to enrich your blood + animate your cells.

This activation will allow the greater multi-dimensional frequencies that promote ideal flow in the body to come online in a new + powerful way... creating a capacity of ease in releasing that which no longer serves you much more easily + being in an enhanced flow of Divine Guidance in your body.

This breeds much greater trust in your own Intuition and instincts! You'll know the essence of Soul Self in an embodied state boosting immunity and opening your Heart so you feel more free to unleash your creative light in new delightful ways.

Areas of focus for this remote activation include:

  • HARMONIOUS HEART - Clearing + Upgrade
  • SACRED KIDNEYS - Reanimation
  • BRILLIANT BLOOD - Purification

The specific upgrades included in this activation increase + animate the heightened 5th Dimensional frequencies that will pour forth through your Heart when this network and your Sacred flow is optimized.

DNA Light Encoding + Mental Reconstruction
Distant Healing Session by Christel Hughes

Reconstruct your mind so that it will support your future Light Body upgrades. (Value $333)

For You... $44

The adjustments made through this distant healing will make your Higher Mental capacity available enabling you to understand the experiences as you traverse the Cosmic realms and upgrade your connection to the Web of Pure Intelligence.

You'll then be available the Cosmic Light Codes downloaded to personally assist you to gain access to your deep soul knowledge allowing you to potentially experience a deep sense of knowing, a recognition of self-value and even have a drastic perspective shift within.

This enables you to stop duplicating patterns that create the circumstances where you can be imprinted by outside, destructive influences so you can operate from your increased intuitive capacities and have your Light Body Illumination!

Included in this DNA Light Coding + Mental Resconstruction:

  • Mental Body Reconstruction - to support your future Light Body upgrades.
  • Upgrade your connection to the Web of Pure Intelligence
  • Cosmic Light Codes Transmission - specific symbols, chants and sounds to trigger the activation of your DNA.

Soul Guidance Filtration Upgrades
Remote Activation by Amanda Hopkins

Upgrade Your Sensory Filters to Receive & Emit Your Soul Tones
Individual Remote Attunements (Value $277)

Only $44

Attune your sensory filters to receive & transmit your Highest Soul Light Frequencies, bringing Divine Light Grids for your ears, nose & sinuses online, tuned to your Soul Channel (Frequencies)!

This combination of attunements will ensure that all of the sensory passages in your nose, ears and sinuses are coherently receiving, flowing and distributing the most expansive breath and Divine Light flow.

Having all of your energy in these Sacred spaces in congruence enables you to awaken + act in accordance with extraordinary potentials - beyond what's considered 'normal' or what you may have felt possible for you in the past. You'll see, hear, feel and smell from an elevated dimensional platform - calling forth a Celestial Light & Sound show... a feast for your senses!

Areas of focus for this remote activation include:

  • EARS & EAR CHAKRAS - get tuned to Sacred Essences that match your Soul Vibe
  • NOSE & NASAL PASSAGEWAYS - increase your intuitive smelling senses
  • SINUSES & PINEAL GLAND - activate clear Soul Vision

The specific upgrades included in these attunements enable your ears, nose and sinus passages to easily purge mismatching energies and flow heightened Divine Light Frequencies for you ~ operating as the sophisticated Soul Guidance & message relay system it's meant to be!

Celestial Plasma Field Energization
Remote Activation by Christel Hughes

Stimulate your Celestial plasma energy fields to channel & harness high-frequency galactic energies for a profound boost to your spiritual & energetic capacities. (Value $277)

Special... $49

Plasma Field Energization offers a transformative distant healing experience, utilizing the advanced technology of the 7th Dimensional Holodeck and the support of the Galactic Team to elevate your energetic system and expand your spiritual potential.

Your Galactic Team, a collective of advanced multidimensional beings, collaborates within the Holodeck to tailor the plasma field to your needs. They infuse the Celestial plasma with specific galactic frequencies from various star systems, imprinted onto your energy field. This raises your vibrational state and deepens your connection to these higher-dimensional energies, empowering you to access and integrate the wisdom and light of the cosmos.

Benefits of the Celestial Plasma Field Energization:

  • Enhanced Channeling Ability - amplify your capacity to channel and direct high-frequency galactic energies with greater ease and effectiveness.
  • Energetic Balance - achieve a harmonized and energized bioelectrical system, supporting overall well-being and heightened multidimensional awareness.
  • Galactic Connection - develop a deeper and more profound connection to galactic energies and higher-dimensional realms, supported by the guidance of the Galactic Team.

Through this activation, you will be connected to a sophisticated 7th Dimensional Holodeck, a virtual space that dynamically simulates Celestial plasma energy fields.

The Holodeck creates a vibrant, interactive plasma environment that engages with your energy body, optimizing and energizing your bioelectrical system.

Transcendence BodyLight Grid Animation with Sacred Soul Note Symbol ~ Personalized Remote
Activation by Amanda Hopkins

Animate Your Body's Transcendent Light Grid & Attune to Your Sacred Soul Tones
Individual Remote Reset & Upgrade (Value $333)

For You... $55

Transmute old, fear-based cellular consciousness and habitual deficient body flow to the Sacred Body Light Flow that matches your innate, elevated Soul design and fosters sublime radiance.

These recalibrations and upgrades will strengthen your internal resolve by grounding you in a foundation of light that's based on the sound, feeling and visual light codes of your Soul... established in your Central Channel, Aura and body as your foundational light grid.

This breeds much greater trust in your body, intuition and Soul Guidance as a living, breathing essence and instinctual awareness in your body. You'll know the essence of Soul Self in an embodied state, allowing bliss and beauty states to be prevalent within you. You're aligned and operating from the True expression of your innate beauty and magnificence in this way!

Areas of focus for this remote activation include:

  • CELLULAR REGENERATION - Clearing + Upgrade
  • AURIC ATTUNEMENTS - Reanimation: Sacred Symbol (a Musical Soul Note - unique to YOU) to sound the notes of your Soul through your Auric field
  • CENTRAL CHANNEL REDEFINITION - Strengthening & Purification

The specific upgrades included in this activation prime your body to assimilate and express the new Divine Frequencies that are uniquely designed to radiate your special blend of beauty and bliss within & from you!

'Celestial Convergence' DNA Cosmic Potential 11:11
Remote Activation by Christel Hughes

Create a celestial convergence of your masculine & feminine energies within...Generate a dynamic exchange of creative power & vitality, infusing your being with the pure essence of Divine creation and leveraging the merging of them into Oneness. Own your Sovereign creative capacity for Full expression. (Value $288)

Only $44

The DNA Cosmic Potential Awakening remote activation delves into the intricate dance of the Masculine and Feminine energies.

As you attune to the symphony of creation resonating within you by harmonizing your Mascualine and Feminine within, you're empowered to embody your True Sovereign essence and align with your Soul's Highest purpose.

Let's get your Masculine and Feminine in 'Celestial Convergence' with each other to Accept the exalted state of Oneness necessary for Pure Creative expression.

Included in this Celestial Convergence DNA Awakening remote activation:

  • Negative & Positive Polarties Adjustment - become an honoring and complimentary Celestial match for Pure Creation
  • Harmonization of Electrical Impulses of the Masculine and Feminine in your Energy Field
  • 7D Awakening of Dormant Potentials within your DNA - ignite the flames of your Cosmic gifts in your DNA and your Celestial Sovereign abilities.
  • Archangel Metatron's 11:11 Celestial Gateway Portal Passage - activating your dynamic Cosmic abilities to Awaken and come online.

Holographically step more fully into the radiant light of your Divine heritage, embracing the infinite possibilities of your Sovereign being and bringing them into actualization in this realm.

Buy the Bundle of All 4 of Christel's Activations



Buy the Bundle of All 4 of Amandas's Activations





Christel Hughes

Christel Hughes

Christel Hughes is a Multi-dimensional Visionary, Medium and Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, known as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars", specializing in energetic healing and rapid transformation for Celebrities and individuals throughout the World. We are always in Awe because of Christel's lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that go directly to the core of the issue - she pinpoints it immediately.

Christel's work has broadened to include connecting with Archangel Metatron and mediating for Metatron's cube to instantly shift a person's consciousness... undoing mental, emotional and physical well as opening up their Higher channels of communication.

The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. Christel's purpose is to channel and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.



Amanda Hopkins

Amanda Hopkins

Amanda Hopkins is an International Expert in identifying deficient energy flow in the body that impairs function and creates dis-ease. She's known for her Clairvoyant ability as a Medical Intuitive to penetrate deeply into the root cause and immediately identify the main elements causing illness.

Amanda has a unique and powerful process of Intuitively Mapping points in your body systems that are collectively undermining vitality and depleting your body’s energetic resources.

With her keen intuitive mastery and wizard like abilities, Amanda has supported hundreds of people with restoring energy flow so their body can repair itself and recover its High level vitality. Ultimately as a Certified Intuitive Strategist, NLP and Academy Master teacher, she assists and provides you with the tools to create inner stability for lasting whole body wellness. Her Purpose is to greatly empower you in your relationship with your body.