Your Erasing Energetic Imprints will arrive in your inbox in about 4 - 10mins. While you're waiting for that to drop…If you're wanting Personal care, Individual attention and Deeper support with your Aura, so that you stop duplicating patterns that create the circumstances where you can be imprinted in the first place, then…Feel into this offering below.

Christel has personally put this together to compliment the Energetic Imprints Workshop because she knows you want her use her ability to connect with your Higher Self and be specifically directed to make significant changes that will move you forward.

Here’s the’s a One time Offer Today only…!

Join Christel in the


using Metatron’s Cube


Distant Healing session!
(Value $333) for ONLY $44

I invite you to get this (tailored for you) session to reconstruct your
mind so that it will support your future Light Body upgrades!

$44 Individual Distant Healing!

This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$44 - very limited time offer

Individual Distant Healing, tailored JUST for you

Imprints negatively influence the formation of your mental body and development of your energetic systems, cognitive functioning that influences your intuitive capacities and your Light Body Illumination.

Christel will work specifically with your Mental body to reconstruct it so that it will support your future Light Body upgrades. The result is for you to have the Higher Mental capacity available to understand the experiences as you traverse the Cosmic realms and upgrade your connection to the Web of Pure Intelligence.

Then she’ll do a transmission of Cosmic Light Codes, specific symbols, chants and sounds to trigger the activation of your DNA. This is a download to personally assist you to gain access to your deep soul knowledge.

Receivers often experience a deep sense of knowing, a recognition of self-value and often have a drastic perspective shift within themselves. This experience of receiving a transmission from Christel is one that the receiver understands deep within their Soul.

$44 Individual Distant Healing!

NOTE: When Christel does an energy lab, that means that she’s not only translating what your Higher Self is telling her that your being needs, but she is actually working, as an Alchemist, to shift your energy in the real time.

She’s using Metatron’s Cube and conducting the clearing, healing, transmission or attunement on the spot with Your specific energy - not in a group - but individually for you.

This Cosmic 5D energy lab is done on the 5th Dimensional realm as a remote experience at a specific time. Your Higher Self will meet Christel there and they will do the assessment and healing together. Think of it like a meeting on the Cosmic 5D ‘holodeck’. Christel has the intuitive capacity to work Holographically, as a multi-sensory intuitive, with your energy.

This is SO supportive ~ jump on this now!

With Love, Amanda


Special Note from Christel:

"I’m here to support you in your journey of transformation and illumination. If you are seeking growth and clarity for your Spiritual awakening or a modality to support yourself along your path to purpose, love and greater fulfillment, then this is the space for you. Thank you for being conscious to take the next step."

"With Light for your path,"