Your Metatronic Crystal Chakra Balancing Workshop info will arrive in your inbox in about 4 - 7mins. While you're waiting for that to drop…If you're wanting Personal Care, Individual Attention and Deeper support to upgrade your Core energetic structures so that you can Rise to a Dimensional level of your own Truth & Purpose...

I’ve intuitively created this to compliment the Metatronic Crystal Chakra Balancing Workshop… And it only makes sense…because once we get the Chakras balanced with Metatronic Crystal Alchemy using Metatron’s cube, we need to Re-Calibrate the Aura & specifically the 7 energy bodies & Light body so that they’re now in ‘Vibrational Rapport’ with the upgraded Crystalline chakras.

Here’s the’s a One time Offer Today only…!

Get your

Personalized Activation from Christel Hughes 
(Value $277) for ONLY $44


I invite you to get this (tailored for you) activation to receive channeled ethereal celestial light elixirs into your aura & light body for recalibration with Metatron’s cube. Open to your Highest Soul’s Dimensional expression by building out your Holographic body at the 7th Dimensional realm.

$44 Individual Remote Activation 

This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$44 - very limited time offer

Individual Remote Holographic Body activation, tailored JUST for you

Included in this Celestial Light remote activation:

~ ‘Ethereal Elixir’ Aura Recalibration

Using Celestial Light from the ethereal realm for aura Re-Calibration… harnessing the power of Celestial energies + Crystal Spirit essences to harmonize & nourish your subtle bodies of the aura to vibrationally match your newly upgraded chakras

~ Council of Crystal Spirits

You have individually assigned Crystal Spiritus that are here to serve your Ascension + Elevation. I’ll be calling forth your individually assigned Council of Crystal Spirits to help us build the energetic bridge from the center of each chakra to extend to and through the Light body.

We’ll then invite the Crystal Spirits to activate their essences for initiating the build out of the Holographic energy body.

~ Dimensional Upgrades

The Holographic body is waiting for you to initiate it into existence. When you initiate this energetic body it allows you to access the 7th dimension which is the Holographic realm. It’s the realm of your Oracle Guides, Holograms of the Future possibilities and Holographic Templates of your Divine purpose.

Once you start to access this 7D realm and connect with your Oracle Guides, you choose which hologram that best suits your desired future reality and the template matching that reality can download into your DNA.

The Holographic template then energetically molds you for that New and Brilliant reality of consciousness to come to life so you can fulfill your Divine purpose.

$44 Remote Aura Recalibration

NOTE: When Christel does a Remote Activation, that means that she’s not only translating what your Higher Self is telling her that your being needs, but she is actually working, as an Alchemist, to shift your energy in the real time.

She’s using Metatron’s Cube and conducting the recalibration, tranmission, upgrades or activation on the spot with Your specific energy - not in a group - but individually for you.

This Auric Recalibration & Holographic Body Activation is done in the 7th Dimensional realm as a remote experience at a specific time. Your Higher Self will meet Christel there and they will do the recalibration & activation together. Think of it like a meeting on the Cosmic 7D ‘holodeck’. Christel has the intuitive capacity to work Holographically, as a multi-sensory intuitive, with your energy.

This is SO supportive ~ jump on this now!

With Love, Amanda