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If you're wanting Personal & Private 'one-on-one' and Deeper support  with connecting with your heart and transpersonal chakras & elevating your energetic pathways, then...Feel into this offering below.

Here’s the catch… It’s a One time Offer Today only…!

Kari Kiazyk, Heart Awakening Master and Light & Sound Synergizer presents 


Featuring her Harmonic Orchestration Light & Sound Healing Technique:

I invite you to experience this private session to strengthen the bond between your heart & transpersonal chakras, unlocking your
potential for greater clarity & inner harmony!

1:1 Healing Session!
(Value $250) for ONLY $55

A limited time offer for profound spiritual transformation!

$55 1:1 Healing Session!

This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$55 - very limited time offer

Individual 1:1 Healing

When your Heart is fully aligned & the “bridge” to the higher chakras is clear, you're empowered to elevate your energetic pathways & express your true essence with clarity & purpose.

All of our chakras work together, and when one is blocked or out of balance, it impacts the entire energetic system. While each chakra plays a distinct role, the transpersonal chakras, in particular, are key to accessing higher levels of consciousness and spiritual insight. In this session, we’ll focus on aligning these higher chakras with your heart to elevate your energetic pathways, helping you unlock your full potential and navigate your spiritual journey with greater clarity and purpose.

Your heart is a central hub in your spiritual & energetic system. Did you know that there’s another crucial element in this dynamic? I'm of course referring to the transpersonal chakras. These higher energy centers, including the Earth Star, Soul Star, and Stellar Gateway, work in harmony with your heart to create a powerful network of energetic pathways.

When your heart is fully aligned with these transpersonal chakras, you establish a seamless connection that enhances your spiritual journey. This alignment elevates your energetic pathways, allowing for a deeper integration of higher consciousness and a more profound connection to your true essence.

These transpersonal chakras form an essential network of higher energetic pathways that extend beyond the seven major chakras. They act as bridges, linking your heart to expansive cosmic energies. By harmonizing these connections, you open up a flow of higher consciousness & spiritual insight, allowing your heart to fully integrate and express its true essence.

In this 'Bridge of Light' session, we'll strengthen the energetic bridge between your heart and the transpersonal chakras, identifying & clearing the blockages that prevent you from accessing your highest spiritual potential.

The Transpersonal Chakras:

  • Bridge your heart’s wisdom with higher states of consciousness;
  • Enable a deeper connection to your soul’s true essence;
  • Facilitate a harmonious flow between the energies of your heart and the divine insights available from higher realms, guiding your path with clarity and purpose.
  • We want the energy from the transpersonal chakras to flow seamlessly with your heart to aid in spiritual alignment and deeper understanding.
  • One of the main issues is that you've been heavily conditioned to react from your mind, often expressing without tapping into your true inner guidance. If you were fully connected with your heart and the “bridge” to the transpersonal chakras was clear, you could navigate life with grace and wisdom, expressing your soul's truth with authenticity!
  • Your heart is a sensitive receptor, always attuned to everything around you, whether uplifting or challenging. This has a profound impact on your overall well-being. It's vital to maintain a strong connection with your heart and the transpersonal chakras, allowing you to express the divine truth of who you are, aligned with your highest self.

    Bridge of Light will benefit you, if any of these resonate with you:

    ~ Feeling disconnected from your inner guidance & struggling to make decisions from your heart;

    ~ Experiencing persistent feelings of being stuck or blocked in your spiritual growth;

    ~ You sense an energetic heaviness or blockage preventing you from accessing higher states of consciousness.

    ~ Have difficulty feeling aligned with your purpose & lack clarity about your spiritual path;

    ~ Feeling overwhelmed by emotions that seem to cloud your intuition & higher knowing;

    ~ You notice recurring patterns of self-doubt, fear, or insecurity that keep you from fully embracing your spiritual potential;

    ~ You find it challenging to maintain a sense of balance and harmony within your energy field

    ~ Feeling cut off from your inner wisdom and higher self, struggling to tap into your deeper truth;

    ~ Yearning for a deeper connection to your spiritual heart and the divine wisdom within;

    ~ You wish to elevate your energy and align with the higher vibrations of the transpersonal chakras to unlock your true potential.


    Activate Your Highest Potential Now!

    $55 1:1 Healing Session!


    During our Bridge of Light session , I’ll support you in identifying the hidden energetic patterns and resolving the inner conflicts in your life that leave you feeling overwhelmed and disempowered or confused and disconnected.

    You’ll be filled with higher vibrational energies that support clarity and spiritual alignment!

    You’ll be empowered to elevate your energetic pathways; activate your heart’s true potential; receiving profound insights and guidance from your Higher Self so that you can move forward with confidence and purpose.

    All About Kari!

    Kari Kiazyk

    Kari Kiazyk is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect with your heart's voice, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving the discordant energies so you can awaken to your own magnificence.

    She harnesses the energies and cosmic dance of the Aurora Borealis to aid you in fully reclaiming your heart's natural state of health and wholeness, so it's available to receive and transmit higher vibrations of love, light and joy... bringing your heart, your inner Sun, into its own luminous, rhythmic dance.

    As a Reiki Master and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul, Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good.

    Kari's passionate about utilizing energy to alchemize transformation towards brilliant, open-hearted living and radiating your Light of Truth.

    $55 1:1 Healing Session!