Your Liquid Gold Liberation Workshop info will arrive in your inbox in about 4 - 7mins. While you're waiting for that to drop…If you're wanting Personal Care, Individual Attention and Deeper support to Activate the creative collaboration of your Masculine + Feminine in Oneness…

I’ve intuitively created this to compliment the Liquid Gold Liberation Workshop… And it only makes sense…because once we get the energetic Flow in the chest, breasts & nadis allowing the Divine nectar of Intelligence, we must have your Masculine and Feminine in ‘Celestial Convergence’ with each other to Accept the exalted state of Oneness necessary for Pure Creative expression.

Here’s the’s a One time Offer Today only…!

Get your

Personalized Awakening Remote Activation from Christel Hughes  
(Value $288) for ONLY $44


I invite you to get this (tailored for you) activation to create a celestial convergence of your masculine & feminine energies within…Generate a dynamic exchange of creative power & vitality, infusing your being with the pure essence of Divine creation and leveraging the merging of them into Oneness. Own your Sovereign creative capacity for Full expression.

$44 Individual Remote Activation 

This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$44 - very limited time offer

Individual Remote Awakening Activation, tailored JUST for you

Included in this Celestial Convergence DNA Awakening remote activation:

The DNA Cosmic Potential Awakening remote activation delves into the intricate dance of the Masculine and Feminine energies.

In this sacred remote healing ritual, the contrasting forces of the Masculine and Feminine are not viewed as opposing, but rather as complementary aspects of the Cosmic whole. As the currents of these energies intertwine, they generate a dynamic exchange of power and vitality, infusing your being with the pure essence of Divine creation and leveraging Oneness.

~I’ll intuitively look into both your negative and positive polarities in the electrically charged field of creation and adjust them using Metatron’s Cube to become an honoring and complimentary Celestial match for Pure Creation.

~Guided by the transformative energy of Metatron's Cube, this activation serves as a catalyst for harmonizing the electrical impulses of the Masculine and Feminine within your energetic field.

By balancing these polarities, you’re able to transcend duality and embrace the unity of all existence.

~Through this process, I’ll identify any dormant potentials within your DNA and then bring them to the 7D Holodeck for awakening -- by passing them through Archangel Metatron’s 11:11 Celestial Gateway portal.

~This process as a ritual will ignite the flames of your Cosmic gifts in your DNA and your Celestial Sovereign abilities.

As you attune to the symphony of creation resonating within you, you’re empowered to embody your True Sovereign essence and align with your Soul's Highest purpose.

This sacred 11:11 portal passage offers a pathway to profound personal metamorphosis and spiritual elevation, inviting you to journey deeper into the realms of consciousness and Divine realization of Oneness.

With each of the 11 pass throughs of the 11:11 portal passage we’ll be activating your dynamic Cosmic abilities to Awaken and come online. In the ethereal 7D realm, you’ll Holographically step more fully into the radiant light of your Divine heritage, embracing the infinite possibilities of your Sovereign being and bringing them into actualization in this realm.

As you bask in the glow of your awakened + anchored potential, you’re filled with a sense of unity, balance and empowerment, propelling you forward on your path of self-discovery and expansion.

$44 Remote Aura Recalibration

NOTE: When Christel does a Remote Activation, that means that she’s not only translating what your Higher Self is telling her that your being needs, but she is actually working, as an Alchemist, to shift your energy in the real time.

She’s using Metatron’s Cube and conducting the recalibration, tranmission, upgrades or activation on the spot with Your specific energy - not in a group - but individually for you.

This Auric Recalibration & Holographic Body Activation is done in the 7th Dimensional realm as a remote experience at a specific time. Your Higher Self will meet Christel there and they will do the recalibration & activation together. Think of it like a meeting on the Cosmic 7D ‘holodeck’. Christel has the intuitive capacity to work Holographically, as a multi-sensory intuitive, with your energy.

This is SO supportive ~ jump on this now!

With Love, Amanda