Clearing Dimensional Veil Distortions Workshop

Embracing Multidimensional Awareness, Discovering Universal Secrets, Ancient Insights & Cosmic Understanding


Featuring Metatron’s Cube


LIVE Intuitive Readings

Value: $360

Are you ready to transcend the veils of delusion and illusion? ...So that you can expand your consciousness and Claim your Multi-Dimensional spiritual gifts?

Embrace the journey of clearing and reclaiming your individual multidimensional awareness specifically related to your hidden or 'just out of reach' spiritual gifts. It's time to step into the expansive realms... revealing your unique spiritual gifts as a Realization. This will have you discovering your personal Sovereign Truth and Enlightenment from each dimension of transpersonal reality.

The concept of Dimensional Veil Distortions refers to layers of energetic obscurities that create veils of delusion and illusion within the lower (1st - 4th) and higher dimensions (5th to 11th). These veils act as barriers that cloud perception and hinder access to deeper levels of spiritual awareness, Universal secrets, Ancient insights and Cosmic understanding.

Clearing the Veils in Each Dimension:

1st Dimension - Veil of Materialism:

Description:The Veil of Materialism in the 1st Dimension limits perception to the physical realm, emphasizing material needs and survival. It reinforces a belief in separation from spiritual dimensions and higher consciousness.

Impact: Individuals may be caught in a cycle of materialistic pursuits, neglecting spiritual growth and connection.

Clearing: Clearing this veil shifts focus from material needs to spiritual growth, fostering connection with higher dimensions and consciousness.


2nd Dimension - Veil of Duality:

Description: The Veil of Duality in the 2nd Dimension perpetuates polarities such as light/dark, good/evil, and love/fear. It creates a perception of opposition and conflict within oneself and with others.

Impact: This veil reinforces judgments and divisions, hindering unity consciousness and holistic perception.

Clearing: Clearing this veil promotes the integration of polarities, fostering harmony and balance within oneself and relationships.

3rd Dimension - Veil of Illusion:

Description: The Veil of Illusion in the 3rd Dimension distorts perception by presenting a limited view of reality based on conditioned beliefs and societal norms. It perpetuates illusions of separation and ego identity.

Impact: Individuals may be trapped in illusionary patterns of fear, lack, and limitation, hindering spiritual evolution and self-realization.

Clearing: Clearing this veil unveils deeper truths and spiritual realities, facilitating awakening and alignment with higher aspects of Self.

4th Dimension - Veil of Time:

Description: The Veil of Time in the 4th Dimension creates a linear perception of past, present, and future, limiting awareness to sequential time. It reinforces attachment to timelines and karmic cycles.

Impact: This veil may trap individuals in repetitive patterns and unresolved past experiences, hindering soul growth and evolution.

Clearing: Clearing this veil transcends linear time perception, allowing for multidimensional awareness and the healing of karmic wounds and attachments.

5th Dimension - Veil of Ego:

Description: The Veil of Ego in the 5th Dimension obscures the true nature of Self by reinforcing identification with ego-based desires, beliefs, and attachments. It fosters a sense of separateness from higher realms of consciousness.

Impact: Individuals may struggle with spiritual bypassing or ego inflation, hindering authentic soul integration and spiritual ascension.

Clearing: Clearing this veil dissolves egoic constructs, allowing for the integration of higher frequencies and alignment with soul purpose and divine will.

6th Dimension - Veil of Perception:

Description: The Veil of Perception in the 6th Dimension distorts how individuals perceive spiritual truths and realities. It may create filters or biases that influence interpretation and understanding.

Impact: This veil can lead to misunderstanding or misinterpretation of spiritual guidance and experiences, limiting spiritual growth and clarity.

Clearing: Clearing this veil enhances clarity of perception, allowing for a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and the ability to receive higher-dimensional guidance and insights.

7th Dimension - Veil of Limitation:

Description: The Veil of Limitation in the 7th Dimension restricts one's perception of infinite possibilities and potentialities. It creates a sense of confinement within predefined boundaries of reality.

Impact: Individuals may struggle to manifest their full spiritual mastery and explore expansive spiritual realms due to perceived limitations.

Clearing: Clearing this veil allows for the expansion of consciousness beyond perceived boundaries, enabling access to higher realms of spiritual insight and potential.

8th Dimension - Veil of Separation:

Description: The Veil of Separation in the 8th Dimension creates a sense of isolation and disconnect from the interconnectedness of all things. It fosters a belief in individual separation from Source and other beings.

Impact: This veil hinders the experience of unity consciousness and the realization of oneness with all aspects of existence.

Clearing: Clearing this veil promotes the awareness of interconnectedness, facilitating the integration of higher frequencies and collective energies into personal spiritual growth.

9th Dimension - Veil of Delusion:

Description: The Veil of Delusion. Distorts perception by presenting false or misleading spiritual truths and realities. It creates illusions that divert from genuine spiritual insights and wisdom.

Impact: Individuals may be misled or distracted by superficial spiritual experiences that do not align with their authentic path and purpose.

Clearing: Clearing this veil unveils genuine spiritual truths and fosters discernment, enabling deeper alignment with one's true spiritual essence and purpose.

10th Dimension - Veil of Attachment:

Description: The Veil of Attachment in the 10th Dimension binds individuals to attachments and dependencies that hinder spiritual growth and evolution. It fosters clinging to outdated beliefs, identities, and desires.

Impact: This veil perpetuates cycles of karmic entanglements and prevents the liberation of consciousness from lower vibrational frequencies.

Clearing: Clearing this veil liberates the soul from attachments, allowing for spiritual freedom and the embodiment of higher-dimensional frequencies and virtues such as unconditional love and divine neutrality.

11th Dimension - Veil of Egoic Identity:

Description: The Veil of Egoic Identity in the 11th Dimension reinforces identification with ego-based constructs and roles, obscuring the realization of the true nature of Self as a multidimensional being.

Impact: This veil reinforces the illusion of separateness and individuality, hindering the integration of higher aspects of Self and collective consciousness.

Clearing: Clearing this veil dissolves egoic attachments and identities, facilitating the integration of higher aspects of consciousness and the realization of unity with the cosmic Self and universal consciousness.

Clearing the Veils: Embracing Multidimensional Awareness

Clearing each Dimensional Veil Distortion is a transformative process that involves dissolving illusions and expanding perception beyond limitations. By clearing these veils, you will experience profound spiritual growth, enhanced intuitive abilities, and alignment with your soul's highest purpose. Each clearing session facilitates a deeper connection to higher realms of consciousness, allowing for the embodiment of divine qualities and the realization of multidimensional existence.



 Hi Christel I just wanted to share that today after the session I felt and saw a large black snake like energy leave my body I had a huge emotional release. It felt very powerful.

 I am so grateful for your wonderful work with AA Metatron. This is life changing.

 Much Love and blessings

‾ Pamela

 I want to thank you for bringing me back to life. Last Wednesday morning, I reached out to close a window at 4:00 a.m. There was a serious and deep “crack” in my neck that went straight through my skull. I am thrilled to report I have slept through the night every night for a week. I have not slept through the night in 25+years. My neck and jaw pain are gone.  

  I injured my neck in 2014 and my dentist damaged my jaw 3 years ago during a procedure. The perpetual fight or flight button has deactivated. I feel calm and peaceful and that has not happened for 20+ years. I am so excited that I am finding my way to the new me! I look forward to what you and Metatron will do next. I am ready!  

‾ MF

 Thank you Christel for the Metatron session. I’m really blown away how effective it was immediately. The next morning and days after I’ve experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I’ve never had before. I’m making creative decisions in the moment I know are for the highest good and I’m loving people with more depth than I ever have without needing them to change anything. There’s a heightened sense of space for acceptance and no anxiety. I’m really grateful for this new way of being. Thank you!  

‾ KL

 Thank you Christel! I’m really enjoying this process. I feel lighter and I’ve noticed that I feel more confident.  

‾ SH

 Hi Christel this is so powerful for me. My body has been releasing so much pain. And then last day I was able to complete with a narcissist friendship and feel safe supported to do so. I feel so free and Alive right now. I love your work with AA Metatron's Cube.

 Much Love. Thank you so much

‾ PW

 Wanted to give you feedback that there have been some beautiful moments of grace and miracles so far. The first on day one, was my son was offered accommodation with 24 hour care completely from out of the blue, on his 30th Birthday! He has serious addiction and health issues and was homeless, so this was a huge relief and rather miraculous, as he had been told he wasn’t going to be given any more. 

 The second major change was a house sale suddenly moving forward that has dragged on since mid Nov. We are now completing on Friday and don’t need to go into temporary accommodation, or put our belongings into storage. Thank you and thank goodness 😅  

 Wishing much love and blessings  

‾ Angie

 The Intuitive Assessment given by Christel Hughes was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever participated in. Christel has the natural ability to literally tap into your Higher Self and give these meticulous details about your gifts, how you flow energy, precisely where there are blockages and mis-directed energy flows within your Energetic Field, where your awareness is in terms of: are you living too much in the past or the future and are you stuck in your ways or too spacey. Besides the all the relevant wisdom I gained, I came out of my Intuitive Assessment session with a great sense of pride and self-confidence about my true authentic self.  

‾ Cindy

 I feel like I have made huge progress since you did my intuitive reading! It was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart for flicking my light switch on. You have changed my life and I am more grateful to you than words can ever express.  

‾ Rachel

 Christel is a brilliant light and a real pleasure to work with. At my personal session I had many ideas for my soul purpose and mission but hadn't seen an effective way to unite different aspects. Christel held a strong and compassionate container and guided me through uncovering my soul-level gifts and seeing possibilities there that I hadn't considered or known about. That day it felt like we breathed divine sparks over the embers of my purpose work and I was delighted at how it lit up and came to life with great new dimension. Christel's breadth of experience, heart-centeredness, insights, and vision are remarkable and she is, simply phenomenal!  

‾ Anonymous

 I got the most amazing reading and guidance from Christel Ella Marie Hughes last night. If you really want to know what’s standing in the way of you being your most BRILLIANT and AUTHENTIC self, you should work with her!  

‾ Dulani

 When I first found Christel Hughes, I was over-sensitive and just looking for a way to stop other people’s energies from entering my space. She taught me how to protect my boundaries and a lot more. Christel helped me open doors I would never have been able to do on my own. With her high level intuitive abilities, Christel helped me identify my blocks, clear them, as well as help other people clear their blocks. Christel has also gifted me with identifying my own intuitive gifts and setting me on a path to fulfill my purpose work. Her support has me creating in a way I would never have had the nerve to do on my own. I can’t wait for our next adventure of me introducing myself to the world! Christel’s light is so very bright—what a treasure I have found! In much love and gratitude.  

‾ LD Chown

 You are a star, shining brightly enough that those who you encounter clearly see their own paths. I am grateful that I was lead to connect w/ you. You are inspiration, even to those who inspire, and your talents are a present reminder of just how good God is. I celebrate you, I pray for you and I see the Light you. Thank you.  

‾ Jerome

 Energetically powerful, I could feel the pulsation of the energies moving through me and to another level. Thank you so much Christel for your capacity to guide the energies.  

‾ LD


"I’m here to support you in your journey of transformation and illumination. If you are seeking growth and clarity for your Spiritual awakening or a modality to support yourself along your path to purpose, love and greater fulfillment, then this is the space for you. Thank you for being conscious to take the next step."

"With Light for your path,"

Christel Hughes

Christel Hughes is a Multi-dimensional Visionary, Medium and Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, known as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars", specializing in energetic healing and rapid transformation for Celebrities and individuals throughout the World. We are always in Awe because of Christel’s lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that go directly to the core of the issue - she pinpoints it immediately.

Christel's work has broadened to include connecting with Archangel Metatron and mediating for Metatron’s cube to instantly shift a person’s consciousness... undoing mental, emotional and physical well as opening up their Higher channels of communication.

The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. Christel's purpose is to channel and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.